Behind the Scenes of RevOps:
The Team Every Portco CEO
Needs to Know

Brett HovanecSenior Consultant

January 18, 2024 in Revenue and Market Intelligence, Revenue Operations, Sales, Marketing

Revenue Operations Revealed: Creating Team Synergy

Building a RevOps team is typically done in response to these types of questions:

  • Why are we not bringing in enough leads/opportunities?
  • I’ve done this successfully in the past with the same approach, why am I struggling?
  • Why is my pipeline slipping?

To get ahead of these questions, a best-in-class RevOps team is required. Assembling that team can be a challenge. Leverage this approach to build a top-performing RevOps team.

Not all companies are alike, nor do they have the same budgets. Yet the ultimate goal remains consistent: ‘Drive company-wide revenue growth and efficiency.’ With this goal in mind, the design of the RevOps team should incorporate revenue and efficiency-minded roles. And the roles should be assembled from across the organization. Creating a diverse team from multiple functional groups provides a powerful contribution through the unique expertise of each RevOps member.  

Here are some typical roles within a high-performing RevOps team:

  • Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
  • RevOps Manager/Director
  • Sales Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Marketing Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Customer Success Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Data Analyst
  • Finance Operations Manager/Specialist

Not all companies have clearly defined departments. This is common in early stage companies as you would expect. Build the team around the roles even if they need to wear multiple hats within their job descriptions. Building a diverse and structured team will pay dividends in the future and remove costly mistakes.

Pitfalls of a misaligned team and the cost to the bottom line

A misaligned RevOps team is usually a band of misfits brought together and only guided by a company idea that they ‘need’ a RevOps function. Typically led by a Sales or Marketing Director/Executive, and taped together by generalists as well as sales and marketing specialists. Though this may seem beneficial for smaller organizations, the lack of cross-functional knowledge can be costly. This leads to misaligned goals/strategies, disparate data sets, poor technology usage, critical resource allocation, and communication gaps. These stove-pipe views negatively impact the bottom line.

Overcoming Team Performance Hurdles

MQL Shortfall: What’s Keeping Our Numbers Down?

The modern Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) process has evolved from being heavily focused on lead quantity in its early stages. The modern MQL represents a holistic and strategic approach, aligning closely with sales and customer success goals. Understanding market segmentations, Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), and customer needs and challenges, leads to a hyper-focused team. This team executes a quality-driven strategy that is more likely to convert to revenue growth. This RevOps framework approach sets the foundation for downstream revenue and long-term relationship building.

This approach establishes cross-functional alignment, allowing for data-driven decision-making, and promotes continuous improvement.

Stuck in the Present: Becoming Future-Forward

It can be difficult for RevOps teams to think outside of the present state. Most teams are constantly dealing with the influx of challenges and updates that erodes the strategic vision. The key to getting ahead is to focus on the future and build towards that goal. Anticipating market changes and making pivots to adapt to customer needs allow your RevOps team to adopt a future-forward mindset.

Here are some proactive strategies:

  • Embrace AI and Analytics: The evolution of advanced analytics and AI tools has changed the game of data intelligence. This allows for deeper insights into customer behavior and market trends, and faster decision-making.
  • Embrace Agility: Promote a fast paced environment in your strategies and be open to pivot when data points to new opportunities.
  • Implement Feedback Loops: A mix of customer and internal feedback will help improve company culture, products and services, and customer experience. Regularly analyze this data to spot areas of improvement.

Growth Unleashed: Charting New Courses

Crafting a Unified Roadmap: Aligning the Troops

The first step was to assemble the diverse team of minds and skill sets. Now guide them with the creation of a unified roadmap. This roadmap serves as the north star for the organization, aligning departments with a common goal. This endeavor takes time and a deep understanding of departmental values, goals, and hopes to design the right plan.

Setting the foundation for scalable growth

The crafting of a unified roadmap lays a foundation that is robust, versatile and scalable over time. It should address immediate needs, but also leave room for future expansion and diversification.

This approach requires a deep understanding of company strengths and weaknesses. Evaluating these factors will help tailor the roadmap to harness strengths and adjust for weaknesses, paving the way for long term, sustainable growth.

Achieving Alignment: Crafting a Consensus-Driven Strategy

A critical aspect of RevOps is the dynamic alignment across teams and departments. This alignment is the impetus that converts strategy into actionable results.

Collaborative planning gives everyone a voice and brings diverse perspectives together. From sales and marketing to customer success and finance – all engineers of the customer journey can share their experiences and voice concerns. This collaborative effort aims to build a consensus-driven strategy, fostering shared purpose and vision for collective success.

RevOps Radar: How It Amplifies Our Operational Clarity

As a Founder or CEO, embracing the world of RevOps can be transformative, offering clarity and unity in operational strategies.

RevOps isn’t just a buzzword, it’s the glue that binds teams together and ensures that acquisition and retention teams are not just performing well, but actively collaborating and striving towards the same goals. With unity comes operational efficiency, and maximizing revenue.

Adopting RevOps means embracing a future-forward approach, looking beyond the traditional silos to see the bigger picture. Forecasting market trends and aligning teams accordingly, RevOps positions the organization to not just respond to changes but to anticipate and exploit them.

Revving Up: Reviving and Thriving

Re-energizing the Engine: Tactics to Reclaim Momentum

RevOps isn’t just about setting up systems for teams; it’s about optimizing the entire operational engine that can result in a “30% reduction in GTM expenses.”

Identifying ‘quick wins’ is imperative for immediate performance boosts and efficiency. It not only demonstrates the value of RevOps, but also gets the ball moving. Building momentum for long-term strategies and allowing room for continuous improvement.  

Embracing change and adjusting to the market at a pace that surpasses what you could achieve without RevOps. Make the most of new opportunities, changing customer needs, or emerging technologies to be more agile with data and your pivots to take action.

The Power of Incremental Wins

The success of RevOps hinges on organizational adoption rates. Streamlined systems and processes only work when they are consistently utilized. Tracking how well systems and processes are adopted is table stakes for success. Leverage adoption insights early to openly address impediments and challenges, allowing for the rapid refinement of the adoption process.

Regular team retrospective meetings allow for reflection on what’s working and what isn’t. It builds team accountability and promotes an environment where vulnerability is openly discussed. This continuous feedback loop is vital in micro-tuning strategies and processes.

Summary: The Rewards that Await

A successful RevOps implementation will lead to significant ROI. Increased revenue stemming from quick wins and optimized sales processes, well-established customer needs for improved customer retention, and enhanced operational efficiency.  

Conclusion: The RevOps Era: Charting the Future of Success

As a Founder or CEO, making RevOps an integral part of your growth strategy isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about charting a course for future success. In the RevOps era, the synergy between departments, clarity of purpose, and flexibility to change are more than beneficial – they are essential. By embracing RevOps, you’re investing in tools and systems, and most importantly, you’re increasing your future success of continuous growth.

To learn more about the advantages of deploying a RevOps function check out this report.

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