At Cortado Group, we help private equity-backed portfolio companies adapt to changing market conditions by focusing on increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) and reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). Our customized strategies help businesses reach their goals, from increasing revenue to value creation. By improving your systems, processes, and talent, we fix weaknesses and build new strengths, ensuring your business succeeds with a high-performing execution engine.
Growth strategy consulting, unlike traditional consulting, focuses only on the strategic objectives that will have the biggest, fastest, and most cost-effective impact on value creation. By focusing only on growth strategy consulting, our clients don't have to deal with scope creep or inflated discovery aimed at “finding the next deal”. We have extensive experience with PE-focused analytics and value-creation strategies. We'll hone in on the specific levers to pull to get your portfolio on the best financial trajectory.
No matter the revenue challenge, our solutions span the entire Go-to-Market Journey. From sophisticated targeting algorithms to high-touch customer retention strategies, our GTM Framework addresses every key area. We offer the right expertise born of experience to deliver the right solution.
Cortado Group sets itself apart from traditional consulting firms by prioritizing strategic objectives that yield the greatest, quickest, and most cost-effective impact on value creation and profitable revenue growth. We possess the knowledge and expertise to identify the most effective means of leveraging growth opportunities at every level, ensuring that you achieve maximum growth potential.
Learn more about our Go-To-Market Framework.
Improvement in Average Selling Price
Increase in Total Pipeline
Increase in Bookings per Rep