How a Solid Pricing Strategy
Helps You Hit Quarterly EBITDA
& Revenue Targets

Zohaib Salahuddin

Zohaib SalahuddinSenior Consultant

April 4, 2024 in Pricing

Pricing decisions play a pivotal role in de-risking your ability to hit quarterly EBITDA and revenue targets. The execution of pricing strategy requires a disciplined approach to confidently move forward without doubt. The foundation of pricing strategy execution is establishing a pricing governance model. This article will explain the importance of pricing governance and the essential elements to include for your company.

Pricing governance is the essential framework to ensure pricing decisions are well-conceived and consistently applied across your company. This systematic approach integrates policies, procedures, roles, and technologies to implement and maintain effective pricing strategies, acting as a crucial bridge between strategic intention and operational execution. Pricing governance provides a structured yet adaptable framework to respond wisely to changing market dynamics and consumer behaviors.

While establishing a governance model may feel time consuming, the benefit is to move fast and limit risk. Pricing governance will deliver greater speed to the market to hit your quarterly targets.

The Fundamentals of Pricing Governance

Navigate the complexities of pricing with confidence by tapping into a proven approach. Pricing governance refers to the structured approach to defining, setting, and managing sell prices across a company’s products or services. It involves a set of practices and policies that ensure pricing decisions are made consistently, transparently, and in alignment with the company’s overall strategic goals. The primary objectives of pricing governance include:

Pricing governance acts as a framework within which strategic pricing activities can be planned, executed, and monitored effectively. Through comprehensive governance, pricing strategies are grounded in the realities of market dynamics and consumer behavior. The framework sequences analysis of pricing data, competitive positioning, and market trends, enabling businesses to make informed pricing decisions. The right opportunities for price optimization are identified and ensure that pricing strategies are adaptable to changing market conditions. Moreover, effective governance fosters cross-functional collaboration, ensuring that pricing strategies are comprehensively supported across the organization.

Minor price changes can lead to significant shifts in market share. The strategic importance of pricing governance cannot be overstated. A well-defined pricing governance framework enables businesses to:

  • React quickly to market changes with agile pricing strategies.
  • Enhance transparency and trust with customers through consistent and fair pricing.
  • Improve financial performance by aligning prices with market demand and customer value perceptions.
  • Foster a culture of strategic pricing within the organization, encouraging continuous improvement and innovation in pricing practices.

Pricing governance is not merely a set of controls or a bureaucratic hurdle to be overcome. It is a strategic enabler, a key component of a holistic approach to pricing that supports an organization’s broader business objectives. By establishing clear policies, procedures, and responsibilities around pricing, businesses can ensure that their pricing strategies are not only competitive but also sustainable and aligned with their long-term goals.

Pricing Governance Framework

Effective pricing governance is built on a foundation of strategic business objectives to facilitate excellence in pricing practices. 

Pricing Strategy Alignment

At the core of any pricing governance framework is the alignment of the pricing strategy with the overall business strategy. This alignment ensures that pricing decisions support broader business goals (market expansion, customer loyalty, product innovation, profitability, etc.).

  • Strategic Pricing Objectives: Define what the organization aims to achieve with its pricing strategy, such as maximizing market share, optimizing profit margins, or penetrating new markets.
  • Market and Customer Segmentation: Understand the market dynamics and customer segments to tailor pricing strategies that meet specific needs and maximize value capture.
  • Competitive Analysis: Regularly assess the competitive landscape to ensure pricing strategies remain relevant and competitive.

Pricing Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures form the operational backbone of pricing governance, establishing the rules and guidelines for pricing decisions and changes.

  • Pricing Authority and Decision Rights: Clearly define who has the authority to make pricing decisions and under what circumstances. This includes setting price levels, approving discounts, and responding to competitive price changes.
  • Pricing Changes and Approvals: Establish standardized processes for initiating, reviewing, and approving pricing changes. This includes the criteria for price adjustments and the escalation process for exceptions.
  • Compliance and Monitoring: Implement policies to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as internal guidelines. This includes mechanisms for monitoring adherence and addressing violations.

Organizational Structure and Roles

The effectiveness of a pricing governance framework is heavily dependent on the organizational structure and the clarity of roles and responsibilities.

  • Cross-functional Pricing Committee: Establish a pricing committee composed of representatives from key departments such as sales, marketing, finance, and product management. This committee oversees the pricing strategy, ensures cross-functional alignment, and resolves pricing issues.
  • Pricing Manager or Team: Designate a pricing manager or team responsible for the day-to-day management of pricing processes, data analysis, and reporting. This role serves as the central point for pricing information and coordination.
  • Training and Development: Provide ongoing training and support to ensure all relevant staff understand the pricing strategy, governance framework, and their roles within it.

Technology and Systems

Leveraging technology is crucial for effective pricing governance, enabling efficient management, analysis, and enforcement of pricing strategies.

  • Pricing Management Software: Utilize specialized software to manage pricing data, monitor pricing performance, and automate routine pricing tasks.
  • Data Analytics and Reporting: Implement tools for analyzing pricing data, customer behavior, and market trends to inform pricing decisions and adjustments.
  • System Integration: Ensure pricing systems are integrated with other business systems (e.g., ERP, CRM) to facilitate seamless information flow and decision-making.

Investing in a pricing governance framework creates a cohesive and dynamic system to support strategic pricing decisions. This holistic approach to pricing governance enables businesses to navigate the complexities of the marketplace with confidence, ensuring their pricing strategies are both competitive and sustainable.


Effective pricing governance is more than a set of policies and procedures; it is a strategic enabler that ensures pricing strategies are competitive, sustainable and aligned with long and short-term business objectives. 

Furthermore, the integration of organizational structures, roles, technology, and systems within the pricing governance framework highlights the necessity for a holistic approach. This approach ensures that pricing strategies are supported across the organization, fostering cross-functional collaboration and enhancing operational efficiency.

In the second part of this series, we will review the challenges of implementing a pricing governance framework, strategies for overcoming these obstacles, and the transformative impact of effective pricing governance on business performance. 

Pricing governance serves as a guide to pricing driven enhanced profitability, market positioning, and customer satisfaction.