Breaking the AI Hype Cycle: What it Really Means for Marketing

Todd ErvinPrincipal, Marketing Practice Leader

June 11, 2024 in Revenue and Market Intelligence, Marketing

Just like the assembly line didn’t take everyone’s job, AI is not going to reduce the number of roles overall. AI will, however, take the jobs of those clinging to old ways and not evolving. We live in an escalating era of heightened hype of AI continuing to become more human-like. The truth is that AI is going to displace some jobs, but for others, it will accelerate the speed at which they work. The human and AI intersection is where the magic really happens. 

Top marketing teams across your portcos should be embracing Generative AI and upscaling to bring new innovation to their marketing strategy, faster. 

There are several ways in which the top marketing leaders are looking at AI as a catalyst to drive growth:

  • Deeper Insights From Data and Analytics: AI is able to process data faster, cheaper and more accurately than humans. This will free up knowledge workers’ time to focus on more strategic tasks and increase sharing of marketing insights across the organization.
  • Improved Content Creation: A Yahoo Finance interview with Nina Schick states that 90% of online content will be generated by AI by 2025 (we’ll unpack what this really means later).
  • Creating Digital Marketing Efficiency: The use of AI in areas such as programmatic media buying and SEO will revolutionize both human and budget efficiency.

Let’s explore these four areas more deeply.

Deeper Insights from Data and Analytics

There are a few areas where marketing should be using AI to become a more effective, data-driven team. Using AI in Data & Analytics (D&A) requires humans to leverage AI as a tool to offset things they can’t do as fast as a machine. By doing this, it frees up the marketing team to focus on strategic tasks. These same strategic tasks are typically things that AI does not do as well as a human.

Data-driven Decision Making: AI empowers digital marketers with the ability to analyze massive datasets swiftly. Through machine learning algorithms, marketers can gain valuable insights into consumer behaviors, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach enables more informed decision-making, allowing for highly targeted and personalized campaigns.

Predictive Analytics for Lead Scoring: AI-driven predictive analytics aid in lead scoring by evaluating prospect behavior based on historical data. This enables marketers to prioritize leads and focus efforts on prospects with a higher likelihood of conversion, ultimately improving the efficiency of sales pipelines… The result? Better quality marketing qualified leads.

Automated Data Processing: AI-powered tools can automate the process of collecting, cleaning, and processing large volumes of data. This eliminates manual data handling tasks, reduces processing time, and ensures more accurate and consistent data for analysis.

An example of this is how Cortado Group analyzed and cleansed data for our clients in the past. It was often a manual process, taking weeks to complete. We now have AI-powered tools that our team (humans) can use to complete these tasks in less than half the time, enabling us to implement sales and marketing strategies much faster for our clients. Most importantly, AI assisted efforts help bring more focus to strategic efforts.

Improved Content Creation

Generative AI coming to take all the creative jobs is one of the biggest myths to be busted. It is true that some jobs can and will be offset by GenAI. But the truth is that savvy marketers and content creators will use AI to generate ideas that then require the human touch to bring to life. There are several key areas of content creation that marketing should be considering for integrating AI to enhance, not replace humans.

Automated Content Generation: AI-driven tools, powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP), can now generate human-like content autonomously. From blog posts and articles to product descriptions, AI algorithms analyze data and mimic the tone and style of human writers, streamlining the content creation process. While this is all correct, it is my prediction that the most engaging content will be AI inspired, human completed content. In other words, AI assisted content is best practice.

AI detection tools are also becoming available to the masses which can lead to brand distrust if customers begin to realize that there was no emotion or true empathy behind marketing messages. This risk is mitigated with a human touch to review and tweak to perfection.

Enhanced Creativity with AI: Contrary to concerns about machines replacing creativity, AI has proven to be a valuable ally for marketers seeking fresh ideas. AI tools can analyze vast datasets to identify emerging trends. These insights help marketers stay ahead of the curve and infuse creativity into their content strategies. This results in a more engaged audience that is more likely to convert into customers.

Multimedia Generation: AI extends beyond text-based content creation to include multimedia elements. Generative AI models can create images, videos, and graphics based on specific parameters. This versatility allows marketers to diversify their content and engage audiences through various mediums. Tools from companies like SocialBee and Semrush can generate up to 20 quality social media posts per day…the humans need to always check and approve before posting!

Personalization at Scale: And last but not least, one of the standout features of AI in content creation is its ability to personalize content at scale. Machine learning algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and historical interactions to deliver highly tailored content. This personalization better engages audiences and significantly improves conversion rates.

If your marketing leader isn’t into improved conversion rates, we can help you find a new one fast!

Creating Digital Marketing Efficiency

Programmatic Advertising: AI-driven programmatic advertising automates the buying of ad inventory in real-time. Through algorithms, advertisers can target specific audience segments with personalized content, optimizing ad placements for maximum impact. This efficiency leads to cost savings and improved campaign performance. If your marketing team is partnering with a digital media agency, they should be asking how they’re using AI to save money. If the agency is not using it, find one that is. Your budget will thank you!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): AI is transforming SEO strategies by offering insights into search engine algorithms and user behavior. Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables better content optimization, and AI tools help marketers adapt to evolving search engine algorithms, ensuring higher visibility and ranking in search results. The lack of an innovative, AI-driven SEO strategy will cause your website traffic dry up over the coming years, especially if your competitors have one.

AI-Assisted Blog Creation

By the way, this post was AI-inspired! I wrote this blog post in about half the normal time using these post writing steps. This approach allowed me to streamline the writing process and focus more on refining and personalizing the content.

Transform Marketing with AI

The integration of AI in marketing is transforming traditional approaches and empowering businesses to connect with audiences in more meaningful ways. From personalized experiences to data-driven decision-making, AI is proving to be a game-changer in the dynamic landscape of marketing.

As technology advances, AI’s role in marketing will continue to grow. By starting small with AI, Cortado helps CEOs empower their marketing leaders to test, learn and innovate at a more rapid rate.

To explore how AI is transforming Go-to-Market strategies, download our new research report, “Transforming Go-to-Market with AI in Private Equity.” This report offers valuable insights and strategies that align with the concepts discussed in this blog post. Learn how top marketing leaders are leveraging AI to drive growth and stay competitive.

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